Migrate email from Gmail to Yellowknife
You will need an email application like Thunderbird in order to transfer all the email in the mailbox to the new server setup.
Go here for instructions on how to download and install Thunderbird. Open the Thunderbird application and follow along below.
Thunderbird email setup & migration
Thunderbird – Set up your email account on Yellowknife
We are going to setup your email that was created on the Yellowknife mail servers. Start by clicking the Settings pinwheel.

Click Account Settings

Click Account Actions then click Add mail account.

Enter your Full Name, CBBMail address, and your password.

Click the Configure Manually link.
You will see a screen just like the following example. You need to enter the mail server settings found below.

Incoming Server Hostname: mail.ykwc.com
Port: 143
Authentication: Normal Password
Outgoing Server Hostname: mail.ykwc.com
Port: 587
Authentication: Normal Password
Username: username@cbbmail.com
Once you have entered all the requested data, click the Re-test button. As it might fail the first time, you might need to click it more than once.
When successful, you will see the following header:

After seeing this, you can click the Done button.
Configure Thunderbird to access your email account on Gmail servers
We are going to setup access to your email on the Google mail servers. Start by clicking the Settings pinwheel.

Click Account Settings

Click Account Actions then click Add mail account.

Enter your Full Name, CBBMail address, and your password.

Click the Configure Manually link.
You will see a screen just like the following example. You need to enter the mail server settings found below.

Incoming Server Hostname: imap.gmail.com
Port: 993
Authentication: oAuth2
Outgoing Server Hostname: smtp.gmail.com
Port: 465
Authentication: oAuth2
Username: username@cbbmail.com
Once you have entered all the requested data, click the Re-test button. As it might fail the first time, you might need to click it more than once.
When successful, you will see the following header:

After seeing this, you can click the Done button.
A new windows will appear. This window will prompt you to log into the account with your username and password. If you have not already done so, you will need to contact Yellowknife support to have them update this password for you. Log in with the new password and follow the prompts for confirming your identity. Once you have completed this, you should then have full access to the email on the Gmail servers.
Migrating old email from Google services to Yellowknife
Once you have full access to both email accounts in Thunderbird, migrating email from one account to the other in Thunderbird is accomplished by using the built-in feature call Copy To or Move To.